Online CoursesOur courses, curated by industry experts, cover every stage of research, from planning to translation.

Our Online Courses
Consumer and Community Involvement in Health Research
Interactive course explaining community participation, involvement and engagement in health research.
Consumer and Community Involvement and Grant Writing
Learn how to include consumer and community involvement in grant writing.
Good Clinical Practice (GCP) in Australia
A TransCelerate Mutually Recognised ICH GCP E6 Investigator Site Training.
Good Clinical Practice (GCP) Refresher
This is an abbreviated course for participants who have already undertaken full GCP training.
Health Economics: Application to Research
Gain a comprehensive understanding of health economics and its context.
Health Economics: Cost Effectiveness for Clinical Trials
Understand the steps required to estimate incremental cost-effectiveness of the intervention.
Help the Biostatistician Help You
Get prepared before meeting biostatistician and understand the common languages used in statistics.
Guide to HeSANDA and Health Data Australia
Learn how to find and navigate Health Data Australia.
Introduction to Health Research
Understand the stages of planning and executing health research.
Literature Searching and Management V.2
Learn how to conduct a literature search with a systematic approach.
A Practical Guide to Critical Appraisal
Understand what is meant by critical appraisal of a scientific publication.
Research Governance Service (RGS): A Researcher’s Guide
Learn how to navigate the RGS.
Research with People Who Experience Mental Health Illnesses
Conducting ethical and effective research with individuals experiencing psychotic disorders.
The Essentials of Writing a Research Protocol
Understand the structure and contents of a research protocol.
How to Involve Consumers in Health and Medical Research
A step-by-step guide for organisations, researchers, consumers and funders.
Lung Health in First Nations Children: Module 1
Engage effectively with First Nations families when it comes to the respiratory health of their children.
Lung Health in First Nations Children: Module 2
Diagnosis of asthma and the use of spirometry to diagnose respiratory disease.
Group Enrolments Can Be Arranged
Please contact our support team to arrange group enrolment for your team members
What participants say about RETProgram courses:
Excellent overview on GCP with stimulating method of presentation. Held my interest throughout.
The presentation was extremely clear, as was the distinction between international standards, Australian requirements and laws relevant to Western Australia.
Royal Perth Bentley Group
I have found it to be invaluable, particularly as it is a resource that can be accessed at a time that is most suitable for the user, I can refresh on any of the components that I have already completed if I need to.
South Metropolitan Health Service
I would strongly advocate the [GCP] training to any novice researcher to do as early as possible! The modules and content are very easy to navigate and very user-friendly. Thank you for making this freely available – a great resource.
East Metropolitan Health Service
Best aspects of the CCI course: The interactive nature of the content, engaging and informative videos which highlighted the topic key points and the well spoken and engaging tone of the presenter's voice.
South Metropolitan Health Service
CCI course: Creative, bright and engaging, multimodal. real word examples as well as some 'out of the box' metaphors such as the dangers of second hand reports